Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 11, 2011

June 11

The toenail and knee are still feeling less than spectacular, so I just stayed home.  I did pay some of the bills that I received in the mail, though.

Los Angeles Dept of Water and Power: $101.00   LA residents get billed every two months if they are lucky; I lived in my previous apartment for eight months before the first bill showed up.

Medical bill copays: $66.69.

Daily spending: $167.69
Weekly spending: $530.25
Wasted: $10.00
June 10

Cafeteria breakfast: $2.65.  Grits, an egg, and something pretending to be a hashbrown. I wasn't hungry, and it probably tasted even worse than it looks, but antibiotics on an empty stomach will make me puke.

H&K Grocery on the way home: $10.58.  Ate the raspberries before I remembered to take pic.

Daily spending: $13.21.

June 9

Home with my abcess.  Zero spending.

June 8

Urgent care clinic: $20 copay.  Some kind of insect bit me on June 5 while I was playing tennis, and it got infected and turned into cellulitis.  I have a gigantic abscess on my right knee.

Was prescribed antibiotics.  Went to Target to get the prescription filled.  My lunch while I was there, $6.55.
My doxycycline prescription; the copay was only $0.70.  It's equal to almost a fifth of the per capita health care spending in many developing countries.

Daily spending: $27.25.

June 7

My toe hurts, so not really hungry until very late afternoon.  Noodles and ginger ale from the canteen: $1.59.
Stopped at taco truck in my neighborhood on the way home. 4 beef tacos: $4.00
Daily spending: $5.59.

June 6

Pseudo-Starbucks chocolate croissant: $2.50
Scheduled for ingrown toenail surgery in the afternoon, so had a very light lunch.  Two eggs: $1.38

Ouch to both the nail surgery and the $180 copay at the podiatrist.  I have good health insurance but I still haven't met my deductible for the year.

Was prescribed some kind of naturopathic wound ointment for my toenail.  $0.50 for parking at the pharmacist. $21.90 for the ointment.  A $4 tube of generic Neosporin probably would have worked just as well.

Back to work and feeling hungry. $0.99 bag of Doritos.

The local anesthetic in my foot was wearing off on the way home, and my gas tank was almost empty.  I gladly paid $4.69 a gallon for full service instead of the $4.09 I could have paid for self serve; it was $60 for the tank.

Anesthetic completely worn off by the time I got back into my neighborhood.  Knew cooking dinner was going to be a lost cause.  KFC value menu meal: $6.55.  The economy sucks: it was $5 plus tax last month.
Daily spending: $273.82

June 5

$5.75 for two loads of laundry.

Miscellaneous household goods at Target: $26.35.  One of the bulbs in the dining room light fixture has been blown out for a week.  I could have sworn that I had extra bulbs somewhere in my apartment, but I wasn't able to find them.  Of course, as soon as I went out and bought new ones, I found the ones that where missing.  I now have enough light bulbs to last for the next five years.  And yes, I do occasionally like to read tabloid trash.

Mango something another at Jamba Juice: $4.15

McDonald's Filet o Fish Meal: $6.45

Casualties from the fridge and pantry: $10.  A lot of my produce gets purchased at the 99 Cents store; it's cheap but the shelf life is questionable a lot of the time.

Daily spending: $42.70
Wastage: $10.00

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